香港特別行政區政府2022 二級行政主任 面試實戰全攻略
- 個人輔導訓練 (個別預約)( 每小時$650)
‧ 二級行政主任工作和招聘機制簡介
‧ 如何充份準備面試 (知己知彼)
‧ 面試對答技巧(特別著重情境題)
‧ 面試實習演練(Mock interview)
‧ 面試之後的招聘程序諮詢
黃先生,前香港特別行政區政府高級行政主任,任職行政主任超過20 年,具豐富人力資源經驗、現職機構人事顧問及培訓師,並擔任多位年青人職業輔導師友(mentor)。
由前香港特別行政區政府高級行政主任親自任教,包括兩節各一小時一對一輔導培訓及一份面試預備筆記 (過往面試題目,情境題分類,答題分析圖表),十條面試問題改正及跟據學員背景度身訂造的新加面試題(學員需提供簡歷)。
- 在報名時,學員按意願提供個人履歷(CV),以供導師備課參考,使訓練內容更切合學員情況。
- 因疫情關係,可選擇用Zoom上課
- 課程查詢
電話:2191 9210 / Whatsapp No: 9268 5801
Miss Yeung
Thank you Mr WONG so much for the support that you provided me with. The content of notes, such as answering frameworks and overview of the workplace hierarchy faced by EO is particularly useful for preparation of answers to questions raised in EO interview. I also appreciate his efforts in polishing up my answers during lessons and thus I could learn more effectively from application of different answering techniques.
Miss Kwok
Mr WONG, thank you so much for your lesson. Your notes are well-organized and interview oriented. I have a much better understanding of EO role after attending your class. I will definitely recommend to my friends who want to become EO. Thanks
Mr WONG is very experienced tutor for the EO II interview techniques and skills. You never want to miss one minute for your sharing. You will think out of the box and what the interviewer look for after every class. Mr WONG is really an excellent tutor and his note is essential to drive you success
It’s great to have Mr WONG for his well-structured eo course with clear step-by-step guide, detailed explanations and comprehensive notes on interview skills. After-lesson support is also available to further clarify and consolidate my learning and questions answering that familiarize me with the entire selection process. Million thanks for Mr WONG teaching again that I am able to be my best during the interview. Thanks
Thank you Mr WONG for his teaching. He is very professional, sincere and student-oriented. He give me great assistance for my preparation of interview. Thank you for his devotion.
Mr WONG is a dependable and professional trainer who is always willing to provide instructional support to the students. I am deeply impressed by his teaching method, especially the ways to solve the scenario questions. The intensive course also comprises all round training including follow up consultation after the interview session which is very useful and practical. Therefore, I would highly recommend this course to the EO candidates.
Very helpful, useful notes and detailed after lesson support.
Last update 25/1/2022